Introduction - Cycles and Flow

In this module, we discuss a philosophy of time management and why it goes beyond being more productive. We introduce the the three levels of time management (tactical, operational, strategic) and the seven cycles of time.


  1. Please use the "Introduction Worksheet" pdf to take notes on. You can either print it or take notes on the pdf itself. (downloadable below)
  2. The "Life Cycles 1 to 7 Grayscale" pdf is a compilation of all seven time cycle tools into one document. Each cycle will be discussed in greater detail in the following modules. (downloadable below)
  3. The "Life in Weeks" pdf is a graphic which this modules refers to. The original reference is here. (downloadable below)

Section Summary

  1. Productivity alone will not result in satisfactory time management.
  2. If you are unclear about your priorities, outer demands will dominate your time. (There is no end to outer demands.)
  3. There are natural “cycles” of time, and proper time management requires the proper management of these cycles.

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